Sunday, December 18, 2016

Trip to China

I wanted to let you know that I will be out for 10 days in January.  From 1/12 - 1/26 I will be part of a team of teachers that will be teaching Chinese teachers and students about STEAM programs during their winter break.  While I do not like to be away from my classes - and your students - for that long I am hoping that I can not only share some of the great things our students do but also learn about some different ideas to bring back for them.

I have already talked to all students about this but wanted to also make sure that you were informed.  Internet availability is questionable in China and Google is banned which means that our email system will not be available to us while we are gone.  Term 2 ends while I will be gone - on January 20th.  Students will have assignments while I am gone - mostly online like we are doing currently - and time in class to work on them with all of the available resources they have now in the program - videos, help guides, etc.  The difference will be that I will put all of the grades into the gradebook when on the day we return.  There will not be a chance to redo assignments.  Report cards go home on 1/30.  I have always been pretty lenient about allowing students to redo and makeup work but I am giving them a lot of advance notice that for these assignments that won’t be an option.  I will assign two copies of the lesson quiz for each lesson before I go so they will all have a 2nd chance and make sure they have all notes and other materials for them before I go.  

Please let me know if you have any questions - now or before the trip.  There will be an extra credit assignment over the holiday break.  Please check the class website at for up to date listings of homework and other notes.

I hope you all have a healthy and happy holiday and New Year!

Bonnie Lasorsa