Saturday, November 5, 2016

Term 2 Begins

Term 2 began this past Thursday, November 3rd.  Report cards for Term 1 will go home on Thursday, November 10th.

Based on the work completed during Term 1 by the students, we are returning to a more traditional grading policy for Term 2.

Assessments (Quizzes, Topic Assessments, and Projects):  50%
Class Work: 30%
Homework: 10%
Notebook: 10%

Students will have homework every night - Monday through Thursdays.  At least 2 of those nights, their homework will be to watch a video and take notes.  The other nights their homework will be to complete work on TenMarks, an online skills based program.  Homework that is not completed can not be made up unless a student is absent.  If it is submitted a day late, students can receive a maximum of 75%.  If it is submitted 2 days late, the maximum is 50%.  After that it will receive 0 credit.  A listing of the homework assigned for the week is available both on our blog and in PowerSchool when you click on their math grade.

Online lesson quizzes and MathXL assignments will count as class work grades at the percentage received in the program.  Students still need 80% on a lesson quiz to move on to the next lesson.  Although assigned in class students may still work on MathXL and Lesson quizzes at home if they choose.

We are currently working on Solving Equations including positive/negative numbers, fractions and decimals.  There are a lot of steps involved and a lot of past ideas needed.  It is a difficult topic but a foundation for much of the work for the remainder of this year and on into Algebra 1 next year.  Please be patient with grades and frustration levels!  Let me know how I can help you or your student.

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