Tuesday, January 24, 2017

China - Day 11

I don't know where to begin today to describe the emotion of watching the Chinese teachers present their final presentations. Wen we first arrived 10 days ago, STEAM, Brain Gym and student centered teaching were new topics and a radical difference to their way of education. Today they presented with two different presentations about how they could integrate these ideas into their classes - things we take for granted. The day ended with a ceremony concluding the 50 hours of work with tears on both sides and beautiful sentiments and gifts. They kept telling us how much we had given them but they gave us so much more.

Ms. Stahmer posted about how small the world had become and her cousin replied that our worlds had gotten bigger.  Being able to sit with and talk to them about their lives and schools allowed us to see into their world in a way that tourist travel does not.  Relationships were formed that I hope will last.

Some sayings became the mottos of our trip -
One smile or laugh takes 10 years from your age.
Smiles are universal
Good house - my family, NO wolf! Pig a pig a pig.
Teaching is beyond just the textbook.
Expect the best!
See Dr. Slurpy drive.
Movement is an universal language.
Our job is to help our students find their passion.
Move beyond your comfort zone.
A dream is not just something that happens in your sleep.
Ma Duh
Teaching should touch your heart.
Hello kindest teacher!
Action to Achieve.

Another wonderful dinner and then off to bed.  We are going to the Great Wall tomorrow.

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