Saturday, January 14, 2017

China - Day 2

Up at about 6 AM to get ready for breakfast to go to teach. First challenge is to use the shower. It is on the wall and there is no shower or shower curtain. I successfully got everything in the bathroom soaking wet.  The controls for the shower are about 7 feet. How tall is Ms. Taber?  Nope, I didn't laugh at all......

Breakfast was Cheerios, tea, and bean cakes. Onto school. We are teaching four classes - elementary English teachers, middle/high school English teachers, principals and students. Sometimes Ms. Taber and I are together and sometimes separate.  The bicycles are everywhere. While we were out we passed some men transporting a refrigerator on a bicycle.

We went to the mall to go to Starbucks - tastes the same. And back for lunch. With chopsticks!

Another class in the afternoon this time with elementary teachers. We had to explain what a cranberry was. Not surprising considering the distance but harder than we imagined.  We introduced ourselves and STEAM.  During some conversations abouwhat school is like here we learned -
Students take examinations in 4 subjects at least twice a year. Math, English, Chinese, and Science. The school day is at least 8 hours and often longer. Homework takes 2-3 hours minimum - every day. There are some sports but few kids participate as school takes up so much time.  The teachers worry about many of the same things I do.

Dinner was amazing at a Chinese restaurant where hey just brought dishes out - about 20 of them. Beef, fish, chicken tofu, Peking duck, papaya squares, bean cakes, bokshoy, lotus flowers, eggplant, fried shrimp, fried milk, and many more. You ate family style odd a rotating lazy Susan.  With chopsticks or not...

Time to sleep! Good night ....

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