Thursday, January 19, 2017

China - Day 7

I am sorry about not being able to see the pictures.  It seems it is a Google problem so no pictures for now.  I have tons and am posting some on Facebook and Instagram if your have access.

Today we were back with the English teachers.  In our STEAM classes they were building a stronger chair as an apology for Goldilocks breaking Little Bear's chair along with an apology note.  They had 3 straws, 4 popsicle sticks, 4 pipe cleaners, 2 pieces of paper, and tape and they had to hold a juice box.  They were great! Many had decorations - one even a beach umbrella.  The whole idea is to integrate other subjects - in this case Engineering into their English classes. Right now, students just sit and work through a workbook or teachers lecture.  It's a big change!  The next part of the morning was our small group discussions. Today's topic was about the best advice but got off topic. They were asking whether I bought my sons a house.  Tradition here is that the parents of the groom pay for the wedding and everything and buy their sons their houses.  No wonder they looked shocked when I said I had three sons. Sorry guys!

After a quick nap, we visited a Chinese doctor for traditional medicine.  I have been battling a wicked cold - stuffy head, cough, fever, ears blocked - pretty much since I got here. So I thought what the heck let's try it.  He used cuppping to clear the cold - putting glass cups on my back with fire and suction that pulls out the toxins.  I haven't needed any medicine since   Totally gone! He took my pulse and asked about my shoulder. I have a tear on one of the tendons. 4 months of physical therapy over the spring and summer really helped but he suggested acupuncture. I didn't tell him about it or anyone else.  He knew from my pulse in my wrist. He inserted the needles across the back of my neck. My shoulder was sore last night but I have a better range of motion today. It was truly an experience.

A quick dinner of a different style of Chinese food - almost barbecued.  And off to sleep.....

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