Monday, January 16, 2017

China - Day 3

An early morning and then back to the school.  Today Ms. Taber and I taught different classes about the Engineering Design Process and then led discussion groups about who their favorite teacher was. They wanted to know what my students would say about me.  Hmmmmmm.........

We returned to the residence after lunch and worked on our lesson plans for the next several days. We are going to change some of them to better fit the teachers we are working with.  They asked us to go over to the school to work with 4-6 students.  It ended up being about 50!

In my group I had grades 5-8 just like WMS.  Even though their English was limited - I was teeeeeecher - it was interesting to see they acted just like all of you.  In my mind I matched them with some of you.  There was some flirting going on among the older kids.  Who of you could that be??

After we came back, Ming said she was taking us somewhere fun - to Ho Hi.  I kept thinking of Snow White and Hi Ho Hi Ho it's from to work we go.  Houhai is an area of shops and restaurants surrounding the river. Part of the river was iced over and they were skating - on skates, on bicycles that had skis so that you pedaled and it went forward and chairs to push with skis on them.  Can we make the bicycles?  We stopped and ate dinner - Dumplings and Peking noodles.  The lights and decorations were beautiful. We walked awhile but it was really cold.

One last note, bathrooms are not the same everywhere in the world.  Many places like here have what they call squatty potties which are basically holes in the floor.  Sometimes with stalls, but not always. First experience.  Hmmmmm........

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